Saturday, August 20, 2011

why days off are awesome

I love my job, but days off? Are awesome. Here is a photo dump showing why.

1. Not being too exhausted at the end of the day to go to Natalie's daycare picnic. Petting zoo, pasta salad, and giggling kids. Sign me up.

2. Natalie's pre-sunrise wake-up time doesn't seem so painful when one of us gets to sleep through it. In this case, Mikey let me sleep in (score!) while he took Natalie for a walk in the early morning light.

3. Leisurely girls-only breakfasts at our favorite spot. After Mike let me sleep in yesterday, I gave him an hour's respite while the Natifuster and I went out for peach pancakes and sippy cups of milk.

4. Treats at the end of a sunny summer day. Last night we hit up our local gelato stand (Natalie's new favorite). I figure if we're walking to and from any given ice cream parlor, the calories probably don't count.

5. Walking on the boardwalk to see the "Bowsssss" (Boats) and "Burrrsss" (Birds). Last night we brought Natalie's babydoll and new doll stroller for the first time so she could push it along next to Daddy.

I know, I know. None of these things are so complicated or exhausting that we couldn't do them on a workday. But there is just something about a day off as a family that makes us want to get out and DO stuff so much more. We must have walked 8 miles yesterday. And eaten double the calories we should have. And soaked in sunshine and played 'til our bodies ached. I am going to miss these four day weekends as a family so, so much when Mike's school year starts up again in another week. In the meantime, we'll be making the most of these days off.

Happy Weekend!

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