Wednesday, August 17, 2011

miss giggles

I know, I know. It's been a little light on the Baby & Moo on the blog, and heavy on the Hoo (no baby weight jokes, please). Thanks for continuing to stop by MooHooVille over the past couple of weeks as I continue ruminating on BlogHer and keep denying you pictures of my cutie-pie of a spawn.

The truth is, I've been spending the majority of my time since returning home from San Diego on trying to woo my way back into that little budgie's good graces. Turns out, a summer of Mike being the primary care giver makes him the favored parent; my trip west was the proverbial nail in the coffin of Mommy's Reign. When I arrived home my sweet girl first greeted me with giggles and brief snuggles, and shortly thereafter with a slap straight to the face. Seriously. My child hit me square in the jaw without thinking twice.

The days since The Slap have been all about trying to assure my 16-month old that her mother will not be abandoning her again anytime soon, as well as trying to get her to think I'm even half as funny and kissable as her father.

Today, I covered some ground:


  1. Her curls are gorgeous!

  2. love. LOVE! no worries - clearly you will always be her momma :)

  3. I have the biggest smile on my face watching this, SO precious!!! That smile and those giggles are just the BEST!

  4. i've watched it a dozen times myself, i just love hearing her giggle... and knowing i'm the one that she's laughing at :)

  5. So cute! Love her little bow. Nothing better than baby girl giggles.

  6. Super cute! Love those teensy toddler giggles!

  7. This brings such a smile to my face! What an adorable giggle!
