Wednesday, January 5, 2011

planning for the naterpillar par-tay

I just have to take a moment and do an online squeal of excitement about Natalie's 1st birthday party.


Okay, moving on.

I am absolutely NOT excited about Natalie turning one. But I have decided to lock all those feelings away in a tiny little box at the back of my brain and instead focus all kinds of manic energy into making her first birthday party The Best Ever. And, yes, I realize her first birthday is still nearly 3 months away.

The theme: The Very Hungry Naterpillar. It's one of her favorite books, one of my favorite nicknames for her, and it's just so darn cute that I couldn't resist.

I don't want a big fiasco of a party, but I do want something ridiculously sweet and memorable and well-decorated that ends in Natalie smearing cake all over her face and hair. I have promised Mikey that I will not go overboard and spend a fortune on an event that Natalie will have zero recollection of, and he has promised not to make fun of my obsessive planning.

So far I've planned out a light menu that includes (obvs) food from the book and food with holes in it, started hoarding items for decoration projects, done a draft of the invitations, and picked out two naterpillar-themed craft activities that will be too advanced for Natalie to participate in but should keep the adults mildly entertained. We're still working on finding a good space, since our house really isn't big enough for even the smallest family get-together of us and all her grandparents.

See, I told you: EXCITED.

Stay tuned for more birthday excitement over the next couple of months, because I'm sure that as the date gets closer I will be even more dedicated to burying my sadness over my baby turning A Whole Year Old in crazed party planning. It's just how I roll.

Oh, and if you are an honorary auntie or uncle of Natalie's, consider this post your save-the-date for her party. I may not do a mass mailing of invitations all over the country, but, rest assured, you are invited. She has, like, two baby friends, so really this party is a chance for our friends (and family) who love her to get together and watch her have her first taste of something sugary.

Oh, and we may also finally be doing some kind of a godparent-thing on the weekend of her birthday, too... check back soon for a big announcement about who Natalie is lucky enough to have lookin' out for her.


  1. Oh, I am so into this. Like, to the extent that I just put it on my work calendar.

  2. I am so excited about this I can't even think about getting back to work right now! I'm with you Amelia...consider the birthday festivities penciled in to my calendar. :)

  3. ohmigoshh righttttt, girls?? i am so, so excited. please tell me you're really comingggg!!

    oh, and btw, you guys totally rank as "invitation-worthy" so you'll be getting an adorable invite in the mail in, oh, 2 months or so. xoxo

  4. I had better be invitation worthy after the hulabaloo and the mishegas on my website. It could also be a good opportunity to peer pressure Harper into buying a second car if you give me enough time to make it happen.

  5. we're getting ready for party number one here too. so exciting and yet SO SAD! where has the time gone, right? have you seen all of the eric carle party items at target?! so exciting!

  6. ohmygoodness it's so funny you mention target! i had NO IDEA they had the eric carle line there, and just by chance this weekend we happened down the right aisle... and i nearly peed in my pants with excitement. i have been grinning from ear to ear over the adorable plates and napkins and tablecloths...! it is amazing how quickly the time goes, isn't it? ugh!
