Our days have been pretty packed of late, between work & play & more work & cold season. We've been too busy for me to sit down and bang out a few words on the blog, which is both awesome (yay for lots of fun stuff to do!) and depressing (boooo to such extreme exhaustion at the end of each day!).
This rainy Sunday has so far provided me with the exact circumstances I need to actually follow through on blogging a bit: breakfast out on the town as a family, looooong nap, solo time while Mike and Natals are at the Children's Museum. I'm here in the shadowy dark of our dining room, looking around at a house that is still in complete disarray from our week, but I have decided that quiet time in front of the computer is way more fun than digging in to the cleaning supplies at the end of my weekend. Brownies & coffee & Pinterest ftw!
I wanted to share a couple of pictures that at least give a little glimpse at our last week or so, just to prove that we have not completely gone off the grid.
Above, our first day of apple picking, on a gorgeous mid-week afternoon. Having a little something fun to do as a family after work absolutely makes my week.
Last weekend we got a quick little visit in with Nat's Gma and Gpa, who drove all the way from NY just to spend a night with their girl. It was another dreary one, which meant we mostly hunkered down at home together and let the kiddo entertain us.
This past week I was away from home for two nights, which hasn't happened in, oh, a year. I chaperoned the 7th grade ecology field trip with the rest of my team at work, which meant sleeping in a cold cabin with ten 12-year olds and making sure their boy talk didn't verge on the inappropriate. It was a great trip, all told, but I missed home something fierce. It has been drizzly and chilly all weekend, which has been perfect for getting into the fall spirit of things with pumpkin carving and hot chocolate and witch window-clings.
Don't be alarmed, but I am planning on getting a couple of posts up DURING THE WORKWEEK. I know. It's shocking. Crossing my fingers that I follow through. If not, see you back here next Sunday!
How did you get those nails!! Share immediately!! <3