Our final trip of our summer vacation was to head back to Mikey's hometown in upstate New York for a few days. Our original plan had been for Mike to get some childcare help while I made my way to NYC for BlogHer '12, but my layoff this spring made that trip feel more than a little bit frivolous. Rather than spend money on a conference ticket & flight & hotel & all the rest, we opted to spend the long weekend catching up with family and friends all together. It's always a bit of scramble to fit everything in to our NY visits, but we did what we could to pack in plenty of quality time.
We made pretty good time on our drive, and managed to get into town in time to get Natalie a quick bangs-trim before heading out to dinner with her Gma.
The majority of our visit was spent just enjoying time visiting at Gma & Gpa's. Natalie made herself at home in our guestroom (her "apartment") and played to her heart's content with all of her daddy's old action figures.
A full day of our trip was devoted to playtime in the backyard with Natalie's cousins. We got to meet baby Emma (finally!!), and Natalie & Carly (who were born just one month apart) bounced to their heart's content in the backyard bouncy house that is just the beginning of the playground that I know is going to take over behind the house. :)
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