Sunday, May 6, 2012

steppin' out saturday: gralice edition

Natals & I drove up the coast to have a visit with my mom, my aunt, and my grandmother yesterday.  Natalie was very excited to see her "Gralice," as she has been calling her Great Grammy Alice.  Here is what we wore:

Mama wore TJ Maxx skinny jeans, American Eagle wedges, an Old Navy top, and Kohl's sunnies.

The Budgie wore thrifted jeans, Hatley rain boots (at her insistence), and a Gymboree sweater over an Old Navy tunic

Here are a few pictures of our visit with Gralice:

Linking up with The Haps!


  1. Adorable! Ha, even if The Budgie makes grumpy poses in your photos, at least she stays in the frame! My little man just runs away. Not that he doesn't want his picture taken, just that he doesn't want to stay still!

  2. Her posing is so cute! I mean, she may not have been giving what you expected (or maybe it was?!), but boy was she working the camera!

  3. You both look beautiful, as usual!! Love the last photo, so sweet. Can you please message me your email address? I have a question...
