Wednesday, October 19, 2011

sorry i'm a slacker

I know, I know:  I've been pretty absent from the blogosphere lately.  Other than the odd photo-dump and weekly Steppin' Out update, I've been slacking pretty majorly in the blogging department.  If I'm being honest, part of the reason it's been quiet around MooHooVille is simply because I haven't felt tons of blogging inspiration of late.  I'm sure it will come back around, but so far this fall I've been much more motivated to do things offline, and I'm giving myself the okay to do just that.

But another reason for the crickets around here is that we have been busy bees lately.  Between enjoying these beautiful fall days (hay rides!  apple picking!  pumpkin patch visiting!  leaf raking!) and tackling some lingering home projects (new fridge!  updated laundry room/home office!  packing up all the lawn furniture!), I have been wiped out by the time Natalie is tucked into bed every night.  Our arms are sore from painting, our wallets are exhausted from spending, and our brains have needed some unwind-time. 

Here are a few shots of the little miss to tide you over until this bloggy boycott has passed:


  1. I hear you. Only recently have I gotten back into my blog. I think, just like anything else, the inspiration comes and goes ... so does the motivation for that matter. She's such a cutie!!

  2. She is so beautiful and I love her hat, how in the world do you get her to keep it on?! It's good to take a break sometimes, let the inspiration find its way back to you. Have a good rest friend!!
