Sunday, June 6, 2010

graduation weekend

This past Friday was Boothbay Region High School's commencement ceremony, which was a pretty big event for Mike as the school's 12th grade English teacher. We brought Natalie down so she could meet some of Mikey's students, and she managed to be pretty quiet and content during the majority of the graduation exercises.

It was fun to see the graduates so excited about their big accomplishment and so ready to take the next step. It was clear that they have loved having Mike as a teacher, and he was awfully proud of all of them as they walked across the stage to receive their diplomas.

Natalie got all dolled up for the occasion in her cherry-themed finest, which seemed fitting. After the ceremony we headed to a graduation party at the home of one of Mike's students, who also happens to be the cousin of my very best friend from high school! Such a happy coincidence to have that connection to one of the graduates, and it gave us the perfect opportunity to finally introduce miss Natalie to fellow County girl Renee's daughter Claira.

Here we are with our girls, feeling quite grown-up. It seems like only yesterday it was the two of us marching to Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance in Fort Fairfield's gymnasium.

Beautiful Claira is 20 months old, and at the perfect age to hang out with a baby--she was so cute checking out our budgie! She kept saying, "Hi Baby!" and sneaking up close to Natalie to get a closer look at her. She was gentle and sweet, helping to rock our car seat while our fussy-face was sleeping, and even giving her a little kiss on the forehead.

After chowing down on the incredible spread of food prepared by our hosts, Renee's aunt and uncle, Mikey and I had to part ways for the weekend. He volunteered to chaperone the senior white water rafting trip, and was headed north to Millinocket for an adventure on the Penobscot, so I spent the weekend at my parents' house to have some help taking care of our little bundle. Mike had a blast on the river, despite being tossed into the water and under the raft on one particularly big wave.

Natalie and I also had a wonderful weekend with her Nana and Poppy, who got to spend some quality time with her at this wonderful time in her development. She is becoming more social, and makes all kinds of sweet noises and squeals when she's happy. Her smiles are becoming more frequent (though her natural expression remains quite serious!), and my mom and dad both elicited some wide-mouthed grins while we were there.

Natalie and her poppy had a particularly fun time on Sunday morning; our little grumpus seemed completely entranced by my dad's beard and funny voices! She would reach up to his face and then pull her hand away when he'd tickle her fingers with his beard, and then quickly stick her hand back out for more. It warms my heart to see Natalie with all of her grandparents and to know how much joy she is bringing to their lives as well as ours.

It was another fun and busy weekend here in MooHooVille, and we've got more upcoming on the horizon. This weekend we're having our first yard sale, and in another week we'll be celebrating Mikey's first Father's Day and hosting Natalie's Grandma and Grandpa Cherry during my first week back at work. This summer is already shaping up to be just the best ever, and we're looking forward to all that is to come!


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